Sunday, May 3, 2009

Throw your hat over the wall

I was watching a show today and it told this story that I thought was cool.

Three young men were traveling and came upon a huge wall. They couldn't find anyway around it and stopped to discuss what to do. They decided that they would throw their hats over the wall and then they would have to follow it. So they made a plan and struggled until they got over the wall.

I just thought that the story had so many different hidden messages about life within the story. Cyndi was telling me about a story she heard in Stake Conference about the Cookie Monster. The Cookie Monster won a game of some sort and was given three choices - 1) he could wait a week and get $250,000, 2) wait a day or two and get a dream car or 3) get a cookie right now. Guess what he chose - the cookie of course. So the speakers question is: are we choosing things over our goal of eternal life so that we can get the cookie? (this of course is paraphrased)

So then I was putting the two stories together and thought about how easy it is to do a several things - 1) it is easy to throw our hats over the wrong wall or chose to eat the cookie right now, 2) am I throwing my hat over the wall and then just sitting there and not going after it? and 3) do I look to climb the wall and not worry about how hard it is or do I move forward with all of my might to scale it and then move on to the next wall with vigor? Just some random thoughts I would share.