Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Last night at FHE the lesson was about change, based on a talk from the last GC, called Get on With Our Lives (click to read). It talks about 4 things we can do to deal with change, 1) follow the prophet, 2) keep an eternal perspective, 3) have faith, and 4) be of good cheer. It is a nice article. As we discussed it I found it interesting to see how many people really hate change - for me I love change, that doesn't mean it isn't scary sometimes but I just really like newness and that is usually accompanied by change.
A change I am not looking forward to is that my good friend Kim is leaving Columbia sometime this summer. She resigned from her job as a professor here and is deciding on one of the offers she has been given for next year. This change is different - I am so happy she is going to be in a place that will make her happier and help her to fulfill her goals but I will miss her, miss working with her in primary, miss her friendship. It will be a harder change than usual for me because usually I am the one that moves not my friends. BUT I am going to follow the prophet, keep an eternal perspective, have faith and be of good cheer and all will work out for the good!


Shelly Turpin said...

I pray the Lord will bless you with another great friend like Kim. Losing friends is painful.