Monday, May 11, 2009


Yesterday I didn't feel well and stayed home from church to recuperate, even missed out on my friend Carol's yummy cooking later in the day. So then came Monday morning - not my favorite day of the week - but this Monday and next I am my State internship - where it is the most relaxing of anything I do. No pressure, no huge workload, no anything really - its great. I like when the week starts off good -now if I could just get rid of my headache and not feel so incredibly tired that would be great.

In the last couple of weeks more and more people have been asking me what I am going to do when I am done - well duh I have no idea that is a year a way at least maybe even a month or two more! How am I supposed to know - oh, you want a general idea - the answer remains the same. I am looking at fellowship, jobs, etc but I think I need a secretary - I don't have time to keep up with it all and need to start a spreadsheet to do so but then there is the time thing again. You are probably thinking that if you just stop typing about it and do it you would find the time - well I am on lunch break and need to start working again soon so probably not. Like how I have an excuse for everything? So if anyone wants to be my secretary and start investigating the fellowships, jobs, etc. I would love you forever!

When I was looking through pictures yesterday trying in vain to make a movie of them (failed miserably) I noticed that the little white, purple, red dress that I have on in the picture with Bob and Shelly ( we are probably 1,3,5) is the same one Shelly had on when she was 3 and I was 1 in another picture - thought is was funny - was to recycle those handmade clothes Mama! (I will post the other when I get home so you can see what I mean.) Nice face I am making!


Shelly Turpin said...

I hope you are feeling better!
Sounds like the flu bug that everyone is fighting these days - yuck!

Shelly Turpin said...

are you better?

Michelle Kynaston said...

that picture was so cute - i instantly recognized you guys. Such cuties