Thursday, May 7, 2009

Painting a picture

The other day while standing in my kitchen looking at my calendar for the year - pictures of the Savior - Kim asked me if I could paint a picture of one of the stories of Christ what it would be. So, I had to pretend that I could actually paint and said the woman with the issue of blood. I think she had amazing faith and was blessed for it by the Savior, who not only healed her but also took the time to find her and recognize her faith. I have what would be considered an issue of blood for a while now, as have many woman I know, and so it is dearer to my heart and I love that the Savior showed how personal and indiviudal the gospel is with a simple question of who touched me.

What story would you paint? Why?


Shelly Turpin said...

something with a child - healing a child or raising the daughter from the dead :)

I noticed yesterday when I called to talk to the kids that I asked Lizzy, "What good thing happened today?" And she told me. Often when I talk to Father, I talk about stuff that is bothering me. Yesterday leaving for home and talking with Father, I thought to myself, What good thing happened today? And then told Him. I felt better. It was an interesting experience. Something for me to ponder.