Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Week of Thanksgiving

I have decided to share something that I am thankful for each and every day this week.

My family - this is of course my largest blessing in life besides the gospel and I couldn't have the gospel without them! So why am I grateful and thankful for them? Here are 10 reasons I am thankful for them....

1. They love me for who I am
2. I can be me completely and without reservation around them
3. They make me laugh
4. They support me in everything I do
5. They are great examples of living the gospel
6. They have given my siblings, in-laws and nieces and nephews to love
7. They always are happy to see me and talk to me
8. They understand me
9. We share history
10. They are all trying their best to live the best life that they can live - that takes guts and sometimes doesn't produce any gloryOn another note - my friend Amy's b-i-l was in a bad bike accident - his bike hit a brick from a construction site on his way to school (he is a PhD student in IL) and came down on his face with moved his helmet and his smashed into the sidewalk head pretty badly. He has been in the ICU for a couple of days and is now in the Step-down ICU. Please pray for Brian and Emily Jamison and their 2 little girls (2 and almost 1). They need all the prayers they can get to have the bruising and swelling in his brain go down. I am thankful for modern medicine that kept him alive - he is a really great priesthood holder that loves his family and is trying hard to complete school.


Michelle Kynaston said...

what a great idea, to post what we are grateful for! That was fun to read. I love your family too. Such great people.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kathie--I am Thankful for your friendship. You are a TRUE FRIEND. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We certainly do have much to be grateful for.