Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am thankful for the beauty of the earth

The beauty of this world never ceases to amaze me.  I have lived in many places and traveled to many many more and every where I have gone I have been surrounded by beauty, some of which I had to learn to appreciate more than others, but always beauty.  I can't believe how much Heavenly Father and Christ blessed us all!

One of the things I love most about the beauty that was created for me and you is how close I feel to my Savior in nature.  I know that I am not alone in feeling that closeness, but I am so very grateful.

As stand at the edge of an ocean, on top of a mountain, look into canyons, walk in a forest, or walk through the fields I am reminded how small all of my worldly worries are and that money is just that money, tests are tests and frustrations will end if I allow them to - I am thankful that perspective I can receive by just walking among His creations.

So instead of list things I thought I would do a just show you the beauty!


Badlands 042


Waterfall in Hot Srpings, SD

the other side
