Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday Book Tag

Dallas tagged me with this tag.

This mornings tag is brought to you by, book:thirty .

Here are the rules:Open the closest book to you—not your favorite or most intellectual book, but the book closest to you at the moment. Turn to page 56 and write out the fifth sentence as well as the next two to five sentences. Pass this on to five blogging friends.

My “closest” book is Emma's War - A True Story by Deborah Scroggins. Closest - well it was the first one on the book shelf beside me - I am completely surrounded by books in my office.Beautiful women were the only indulgence the Mahdi allowed himself and his men; there were terrible punishments in his camp for drinking and smoking.

In this as in all else, he claimed to follow the model of the prophet Muhammad.

There were signs and portents in the Mahdi's favor. In 1882 the appearance of a comet had foretold that the town of EL Obeid would fall to the Mahdi. Eleven months later the Egyptian government sent ten thousand men under the command of a British officer, Colonel William Hicks, to recapture the town.

I will tag: