Saturday, November 15, 2008

Missionary Work

I have been thinking about missionary work a lot lately. A couple weeks ago my home teachers came over and we were talking about the church, how my parents joined, etc. and something hit me harder than than any other time in my life. We are told and we teach the kids and others to follow the prophet and for the most part we are agreeable and do what is asked - until it is hard, inconvenient, etc and then it seems like more of a struggle to do it.
For example food storage and debt. I have some food storage and I have some debt - I don't think they were meaning both. :) I am trying to get my food storage and I am trying to get out of debt but, if I had been wiser when I was younger and listened to the prophet than I wouldn't be in debt now - I will say this there is plenty of my debt from school and the prophets have said that it is alright to to take out debt for school - but now I have to pay it back! :(
So, that was a tangent here is where the meat lies. When I was talking with the HTers I realized that if Tom had not listened to the prophet and given up so much (good career, relationship, money, etc) and come and found us that we would not be here today! Pretty powerful if you take it to that level - because of his obedience I am blessed with an eternal family and a chance at the celestial kingdom (if I am worthy). Boy am I grateful for his faithful and obedient heart!
I was reading in the Conference Issue the talk "Go Ye Therefore" by Sister Allred and found myself thinking I feel the same way about my mission. Here is what she said:
"My mission had a great impact on my life. I learned to rely more on the Lord, to seek guidance of the Spirit, and to feel an overwhelming love for God's children. My knowledge of the scriptures and my understanding ofthe doctrines increased. So did my desire to be obedient and to keep the commandments with exactness. My testimony of the Savior and His infinite atonement was strengthened. My missionary experiences became part of who and what I am. Missionary work became my passion. It has impacted my life and that of my family more than anything else."
I know that each of us has the opportunity to be the difference in someone else's life and I know that for those that read this they already have. I am grateful for talks like these that get me to remember the joy that comes from helping someone learn about the plan of happiness.