Sunday, September 7, 2008


Marcie and I headed to Amish country on Saturday morning and I took a bunch of pictures of the beautiful barns and landscape that Missouri has. I will greatly miss the landscape of Missouri, the rolling hills and farms - it is truly beautiful to me.

Badlands 022

lone man

Badlands 028

Badlands 030

Badlands 033

Badlands 037

Badlands 036

Badlands 041

On Saturday afternoon we had a combined RS/YW service project yesterday - it was really nice and there was a lot of service that happened in a very short period of time. We made quilts for the church (they are in great need right now), made burrito babies that go to orphanages all over the world, colored more pictures for the quilts (like the ones we did at the family reunion) and made hats for Jeffery's orphanage in the Ukraine. It was incredible to see so many people working for the good of others. I walked in where they were making the hats for Jeffery's orphanage and I was so grateful for all the sisters and girls that were working diligently to make hats for little children that they will never meet. I was very grateful for them and helping others - services is definitely sweet. It was incredibly wonderful - the speaker was amazing and the Spirit was very strong. I helped Marcie with finishing up the decorations on Friday night and helped in the quilting room, the kitchen and with serving. I was very tired when I left at 7pm - it started at 2pm. It was really wonderful. From there I headed over to a wedding reception for one of the younger woman in the ward. It was beautiful and I was glad that I drug my very tired body over there.


Shelly Turpin said...

First of all, thank you SO much for helping Jeffrey's orphanage - that is so kind. and I'm sure in the upcoming COLD months will be so appreciated!
Sounds like a very fulfilling day!