Sunday, September 7, 2008

Apple Picking

Friday Marcie, Zebadee and I went apple picking. It was a lot of fun and we plan to make apple sauce, apple butter and dried apple pieces as well. We picked about 2 bushels of apples and in case you are wondering that is a lot of apples. It was a fabulous price - $4 a bushel so $8 to get so many apples that they nearly filled Marcie's car trunk! It was a fun time, we had Zebadee on Marcie's shoulders at one point because the big ones were so high - couldn't get a picture because I was making sure Zebie didn't come crashing down. When we make the apple sauce I will take some more pictures.

Badlands 005

Badlands 007

Badlands 008

Badlands 012

Badlands 017

Badlands 016

Badlands 014


Shelly Turpin said...

what a beautiful child! She has grown so much