Friday, January 25, 2008


Well it has been a long day. I got up and drove to Moberly (about 45 minutes away) to teach and got there about 8:00am. That part of the day was easy and the part I read about i The Miracle of Forgiveness this morning did not make me feel guilty in any way. :) So I was off to a good start. My students had their library day today so I just had to stand back and watch them try and figure out what they were doing and help when asked.

Then off to my real job. I got there (Bullock lab) about 11:45 and ate lunch, talked with the nurses and worked on some stuff - no other way to describe what I do sometimes than just that stuff. Then I was talking with one of my fellow PhD students from HDFS and we started talking about a conference that is coming up. The deadline to submit is March 1st so we were talking about what we were going to do to get a poster up and running by then. This time it is going to be about TV watching, reading, the amount of snacks and the BMI (weight and height) of the 200 or so 2 year olds in the BBK study that I have been working on for the last 2 years. So there goes one Sat. in the near future to work on that!

Then I went home to get my computer and head to Alison's house for dinner and then studying. I was there from 5-9:30 or so. I got through more of the theory stuff. Yesterday I had one of my committee members be much more specific about what my comps question will be and that was really nice.

Yesterday after I convinced my other boss (Kim Allen) to work with me on the rural mom project that I needed to do a proposal for a poster or a paper for it by March 1st for the same conference I was talking about above, which is in Arkansas next year! So, then I started thinking about how I need to find a conference to submit my findings about the nutrition providers project to and found out that the deadline for that is Feb 26th. No problem - not sure if I get to sleep anytime in the next few weeks but I am hoping to be excepted to all of those. My CV or resume needs to be beefed up in order to get a job at some point in my life. So, I think that I have created a immense amount of work for myself, but it should lead to good things and I am not thinking of how boring it is to study so that is good.

My very wonderful sisters that read this are always commenting that I make them tired and that I do so much, well if you wrote out all of the things and ways in which you do things and help others you would see that my life is not that full. I have more alone time than both of you ever will even multiplied together. Recently I have found several old friends from high schools blogs (girls in the stake) and started reading their blogs and within a few days of doing this I started feeling really lonely and frustrated with my life. It took me a few days and some prayer to figure out that it wasn't good for me to read everyones blogs but that it is just too hard not to have what they have sometimes (ie a husband and kids). This year all of my best friends from high school (Donna, Suzan and Elizabeth) are having babies - its wonderful but I really wish that I could join in on the fun and raise a baby at the same time as my awesome friends. Actually, Donna is a mom again - now the mother of 4 . Victoria was born today at around 3 oclock and everyone is doig great! Congrats Brad and Donna.

Tomorrow I am going to try and finish up Erikson's theory and move on to contingent self-esteen should be a so very exciting!


Shelly Turpin said...

I'm glad we have prayer to figure things out with. I have no idea where I would be without it - probably pretty bitter :).
I still think you are amazing!