Saturday, January 26, 2008

I have been tagged by Cyndi!

Cyndi tagged me last night on the phone and so now I have to try and come up with six things people don't know about me, which I don't think is even possible.

  • I am afraid to sing a solo because I had a friend comment once that I just never really got the music right. She wasn't trying to be mean I hope but any confidence I had then vanished with those words. I even don't always feel "good enough"to sing in choirs because I learn music by listening not by looking at the notes, I am terrible at reading music.
  • I am always worried that I won't be able to do everything that the Lord wants me to. Not in a simple way of reading scriptures, etc but can I really follow his plan for me when it isn't my plan for me at all? Do I have enough faith to pray and then do what he asks or am I too proud or stubborn?
  • I know where I want to retire right now and I haven't even really begun working yet!
  • My childhood was one that I think of with awe and wish that I could give to my children. I hope that I can be as good of a Mama as mine is, I hope that I can open their eyes to the world around them like my parents did mine, I hope that I can work along side them to make the world a better place, most of all I just hope I have some children some day.
  • I am still really shy and have to force myself to get to know people, talk with people I don't know, and seem like the out going person every seems to think I am.
  • When we lived in Singapore, Bob and I (probably 5 and 7), went to a campon (sp?) and wanted to but some candy, well we didn't have any money and when the owner wasn't looking we took a small piece and left - I am a shop lifter - I have heard that admitting the problem is the first step and I have never done anything like that since! I still feel guilty, have repented, etc but will forever be sorry I stole from a man that really had nothing.
  • I am scared what kind of job the Lord wants me to get when I get done with school. I have two parts of me when it comes to getting a job. I want to live near my family and be able to be close and enjoy everyone and then there is the part of me that wants to work for an NGO in a foreign country and do the work I love. It's hard to know what to do and time will only tell, but I dread making that decision already.
I think that is seven so there you go if you already knew one of those things then you have an extra one just in case.


Shelly Turpin said...

Hey Kath! I still think you are wonderful! I think that you are amazing that you can do some much on your own. I'm sure that you would be fabulous in a foreign NGO. And I would read your blog with even greater awe!