Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Going On

My first thought this morning was the words from the very end of the "Legacy" movie that the church produced, it is a favorite of mine (still waiting on the new Joseph Smith one to makes it debut on DVD, also a favorite) which say "can we not go on in so great a cause?" I thought they could apply to so many things and pondered them all day.

While at work one of my bosses, Richard, asked me about President Hinckley and I was able to tell him a little about how I felt but before I could he said that he had heard that he was a wonderful man that did much good in this world. I was so grateful that national radio and news carriers are honoring his memory. It made me think about how I would love someone day that others will remember me as being a good, honest, loving person who did much good. I know I have a long way to go, but after Pres. Hinckley example way wouldn't you want to go on in so great a cause!

Work is always entertaining and today was no different. I got to watch the snow swirl with the wind from the fourth floor so it was even prettier than from the ground. I am always amazed at how beautiful it is to look at but how stinking cold it is.
Studying for comps is still boring but it is getting a little easier. I have finally kinda found my grove with teaching again - it takes a little bit and the students are not always as open and communicative as you would like them to be.

I got Asia's beautiful baby announcement today and I think that Aurora looks like I did - my very first picture when I was a baby with brown hair - so that was a very new picture of me. She has my nose and eyes and hands and she is skinny just like I was - but that is just a proud aunt talking! Which really means she may look more like Asia than we first thought - no offense Ben, but Asia is way prettier than you, so it would be good for the girls to look like her!


Shelly Turpin said...

YOu know, I think you are right. Aurora's picture does resemble that one of you!

CYNDI said...

Kathie, I hadn't noticed that before you said something. But, you are right. And you and Asia look a lot alike. Aurora could lok like her beautiful Aunt Kathie!