Friday, January 18, 2008

Following the Crowd

Well, I like Cyndi and Jeremy have decided to give into good old fashioned peer pressure - of the good kind of course. I unlike my lucky siblings do not have any cute children to showcase, but I figured this would be a great way to follow my educational ups and downs and give everyone the opportunity to cheer me on as I try to finish my PhD and start my MPH (Masters of Public Health) and someday have an actual pay check once again.

I have had some great adventures here with Beth and my friend Amy and I suppose that I could regress some and show you some pictures of the fun times we had this summer but that will have to wait.

Currently, I am working for Dr. Bullock on BBK for 10 hours a week, working for Kim Allen and MU Extension 10 hours a week, teaching 2 courses at the community college which is 45 minutes away, running a qualitative study about the lives of nutrition lesson providers in the Missouri public schools and trying to find the time and motivation to really sit down and study the very boring material for my comps that I take on March 17-18. I will need many prayers those days. I am excited to be moving on with the process but it seems like life is getting in the way of that - I just have to be better at scheduling my time.

So welcome to my crazy life - hopefully I don't bore you too terribly bad.


Blarney Girl said...

Hey, you keep up your blog and I'll keep up mine!! :-) Hope things are going well for you. If anyone can keep up that kind of schedule, it's definitely you!

Talk soon!

Shelly Turpin said...

I am so excited you have a blog! Now I can keep up with you. You are amazing!
Love ya,

CYNDI said...

Hooray! I am so excited to keep in touch this way! I like your blog - you know what a fan of green I am. Are you forever student? I sure love you and am amazed at all you accomplish. I really think that you are doing such a great thing.