Sunday, October 5, 2008

General Conference

General Conference is always such a wonderful thing for me and this time was no different. It seemed that so many talks were aimed directly at the questions that I had in mind while praying about conference for the past weeks. I so wish that I could some how bottle the amazing way I feel after two days of being feed by the Lord's anointed. I am so grateful for this gospel and how individual it is.
It amazes me that there is a gospel that speaks to every person in every clime on the earth - only a true and living gospel could be so all encompassing and magnificent in nature. It seemed like there was much talk about taking our faith and putting it into action, combining it with hope and charity, remembering the virtues we hold dear, embracing missionary work in a different way, and just filling our lives completely with the teaching of the Savior and doing as he as asked.
I always make a long list of things I want to start doing and this time is no different. I hope that you all felt the same way and were able to receive promptings that you will act on.


Michelle Kynaston said...

not to take such a serious thing like General Conference lightly - but that picture of the temple looks like Barbie's castle! haha. I love general conference!!!