Saturday, July 5, 2008

Nothing Exciting

People keep asking me what is happening in my life, really nothing at all. I am feeling a little better now after feeling very nauseous for weeks. I have my second meeting with my committee about my grant again on Monday - hopefully it will be good and I can move on with this process. There always seems to be so much to do and not enough time to do it all in. I am working on applying for graduate school, even though Shelly told me I should just get a MD and then I can disgonis myself. Well, that sounds fun another 10 years doesn't at all!!
I have decided that the LDSMingle or Single or Planet places are all a little weird for me. I have plenty of men that check me out that just have happen to be the same age as my parents - yes they are 57, 58, 60. That is a little disturbing, at least to me. I of course have no problems with my wonderful father but that is not the same as marry someone that has kids near my age or older.
July 4th was uneventful and it was okay - I am finally starting to feel better so I got a lot done around here, things that have been neglected since I have been sick. I wrote out a long list and mostly have accomplished it - there is still a little time left in the day so maybe I will be done! That will be really great if it happens.
I am really looking forward to the up coming family reunion. I hope that we all have a great time!


Blarney Girl said...

In my opinion, there are very few people trying to find love online that don't have serious issues. I tried it for a while and there are a bunch of cookoo wack jobs out there that profess to be LDS. Don't get me wrong, I'll own up to having issues, but some of those folks don't have issues, they have entire subscriptions!!! And don't get me started about the old folks. 60 doesn't seem old when you think of your parents, but it's ANCIENT when it's someone checking out your profile!!! BLEK!!

Glad to hear you are feeling better!

35 days until SD!! I'm so excited to get to spend a week with you!!