Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Must Read for All the Woman I Know

I just feel so strongly that I should pass this on. Sheri Dew gave such an inspiring address this past May at the BYU Women's Conference called Awake, Arise, and Come Unto Christ. Please ladies, you need to read this!
Sheri Dew has always been a favorite of mine to read and listen to but, this talk is even more powerful.

Just click on the bolded words and the link will take you to the Mormon Woman site and the talk is the second listed, right below President Monson.


Boe said...

You are just way to good at posting! I need to get better. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your family and that things are looking up for you. I am sorry you were feeling down for a while, and hope the time and effort with the family visit helped to pull you out of your funk. You are a stongs and wonderful spirit! Love ya.