Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Reunion

Well, most people that read this blog, minus a few special friends, were at the reunion we had last week in Nauvoo. So, for that reason I am not going to go into long explanations of what happened, just highlight the best parts for me. I also realized that I did not take one picture with my camera but with Shelly's, Mama's and Beth's so when I get those photos I will post them.

For me the reunion was wonderful - I love Nauvoo and so it was so wonderful to spend a week there with my family. So what did we do? Monday we saw the Joseph Smith movie and awed at my brother-in-laws performance and then went and checked into the Nauvoo house.
The phrase many hands make light work is a great description of how unpacking all the cars of clothing, bedding and a week worth of food went - it was great! That night we had lasagna, bread and salad and birthday cake, Katherine turned 8 on the 26th and Michael turned 1 on the 3rd. We also had my favorite part of the reunion and that was a wonderful family home evening. Each family performed a skit, song, etc and then we had games, singing and laughing. We gave out the t-shirts and the family cookbook. After all of that we all went outside and sat on the grass talking and watching the kids chase fireflies and play with each other. When the kids were getting ready for bed Asia, Beth, I and Aurora went on a walk down Parley Street or the Trail of Hope in the rain. We came back drenched but very much at peace.
Tuesday dawned with a devotional (all created by Becca) and breakfast. We took turns going on a wagon ride, seeing sites and then Beth, Asia and I attended a session in the Nauvoo Temple, what a beautiful and amazing place. It was wonderful. After a family favorite of stroganoff for dinner a bunch of us went to Sunset By the Mississippi and enjoyed the music of the full time and summer missionaries. That night while it was still light Asia, Beth, Aurora, Jessi and I walked the Trail of Hope again, this time being able to take turns reading the accounts of all that happened while walking down the road to the pavilion there. Jessi and I checked out the sunset which was beautiful and then we went back and played games, something that happened every night for the adults.
Wednesday was a special day for a our family. We were able to go the temple and seal Joy to our family. Shelly later reminded us that it wasn't just Joy but that we are all sealed together as a family and how important that is. I was blessed to be with the Turpin girls in the Youth Waiting Room and accompany them into the sealing room. I am always amazed at how strong the spirit is in the sealing room - amazing. The sealer was so sweet and shared his personal story of the four children that he and his wife adopted and sealed to them after being unable to conceive themselves, it was a beautiful story and a wonderful experience. After lunch, a service project and a little rest Nathan and I went with the Turpin family and Mandy to the Blacksmith's, the 70's Hall, and on an oxen ride and then down to the Mississippi again. Then I went with Mama and Daddy to get a t-shirt and walk around the beautiful temple again. It was very peaceful and beautiful. Then I caught up with the Turpin's and Beth and went to High Hopes and River Boats, performed by the summer missionaries. Dinner was wonderful and then Beth, Asia, Aurora and I went to another show later that night - it was a full and wonderful day!
Thursday we got to move to another house because of a mix up, so in the morning we cleaned up, packed up and moved out. That afternoon we went to all kinds of sites and enjoyed the wonderful spirit of Nauvoo, the saints that sacrificed so much and their great testimonies they bore in the way the lived and died. That night we had a great big picnic at the State park in Nauvoo, the kids played and then we went to the pre-show games for the pageant. We had a lot of fun playing all the games, dancing and singing. While we were there we found out that we are related to Brigham Young, Willford Woodruff, Eliza Snow, and many others. We had always thought my parents were the first in the church but on my mom's side there were many that are pioneers. Now we just have to figure out who went inactive! We of course went to the pageant and felt the wonderful spirit there. That night we got to share a home with the Leavitt's - we are so lucky! :)
Friday dawned and we made our way to the home my parents and Selim's were staying in and had our last devotion (we had them every morning), said a prayer and had a great big group hug. Bob and his family left for home, the Leavitt's for Carthage and the rest to see sites and then start heading home. Beth and I went back and took a shower, packed up and then went with Mama and Daddy to Carthage. Poor Nathan had a really hard time with Carthage. He was so very sad that someone would hurt Joseph. Through out the week different children in the family had similar emotions as they experienced Nauvoo and heard the stories. I just think that we are blessed with incredible children that are sensitive to the spirit and have great testimonies. Friday was a little sad to me, I had to say goodbye to almost all my siblings and my parents and to Nauvoo. Shelly did come and stay and so that was nice to have them here for a night, like Cyndi was on Sunday night.
It was a great experience and my testimony was strengthened as I heard the stories, testimonies and felt the Spirit in that wonderful place. I am so grateful for such a loving and wonderful family that is faithful and strong and has a desire to follow the Lord. I am so blessed.