Monday, July 7, 2008

My meeting

Well, my meeting went well and I now have officially 3 months to finish my grant. I am hoping it takes less time and should if I can find some time to dedicate to it solely. I am working on it but they are so incredible vague about what they want and expect that it is really frustrating right now. I just want to be done! I realized today that I will probably not be done with what I wanted to be done with when I leave in December but I am still going to leave. I need some peace and it is very hard to find here. I would love to just skip the next few steps but you can't so on I push. My friend Alison is almost at the same place as I am - she should have her outline approved in the next few days or so, so it has been nice to have someone to study with, write with, etc. Just thought I would share my good news, I think! :)


Blarney Girl said...

You'll do awesome!!!

Shelly Turpin said...

Wonderful!! BTW - Lizzy says she loves you!
I am glad things are moving along. I still can't believe you and Alison are at the same place, but I think it'll be nice.
Hang in there! Only 5 months and a tiny bit!!! (then you'll be here!! and crazy busy with a little bro and sis and many cute nieces and an adorable nephew!)