Sunday, May 16, 2010

Temple Patrons Fund

During Stake Conference the Elder Lawrence of the Second Quorum of the Seventy was visiting and speaking and spoke of the Temple Patrons Fund. I had never heard of it before but it sounds wonderful. In essence it gives those that will not ever be able to afford to travel to a temple to go for themselves with assistance from all of us! Of course there are things the saints have to do to help - they have to committ to going (set a date) and make a significant contribution (of their income). Elder Lawrence was mission president in Siberia and the nearest temple was in Sweeden. It took at least a year of planning, 42 hours of travel there and then at least that much back. The cheapest the church could manage the trip was $500 of which only 1-2% of the saints could afford. This program is for first time goers only - taking out their own endowment (could be their only time to go in their life). It allows them to experience those temple blessings. Like the Prepetual Education Fund this is a Fund you can donate to on your tithing slip - just write in TPAF under other. I think it is incredible and had never heard of it before. Here is a link to the information on the church website.


Shelly Turpin said...

Cool - never heard of it

Donna Leavitt said...

I've never heard of this, either. neat.