Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Well, to start off with I really hate being a girl sometimes.  I hate that my emotions are directly tied to conversations and that I am not able to put my stresses into neat little boxes, pack them away, and then bring them out when I want to worry about that specific thing.  Instead all my worries, fears, excitement, joy, happiness, and sadness all run together sometimes into one massive mess - at least it is right now.  I don't know too many girls that haven't at least felt this way some - others are better at balancing things than others.  I usually feel that I am alright at that balance but being tired, stressed, and happy all at once has not lead to the most balanced emotional state ever.

So, a week or so in review - that is the 28th-yesterday.

On the 28th Rob and his four children, Katie, Caleb, Samuel and Marlissa drove into town to stay with us.  We ate dinner, had a fun FHE, and then the kids went to bed.

On the 29th we all played most of the day, my dad came home from Dallas early because there was supposed to be a bad ice storm and got to meet Rob and his kids.  Later that night Rob and I got engaged.  We don't have any pictures of that night or really any of us together last week but this is one Rob took about a month ago.  No, definite date but I will keep people posted as we get closer - most likely some time in June.KathieRob

On the 30th Jason and the girls, Donna and Brad and their kids, and Beth and Dallas came over to meet Rob and to hang out and eat some yummy food.  P1012018






On the 31st Mama had to go to get an MRI done so Rob and I took the kids and Nathan and Mandy to the "tire park" in Tomball.  We had a good time playing on all of the equipment and Rob was nice enough to play tag with the kids for some time and they loved it.  Marlissa and I hung out and watched.






Mandy and Katie










Caleb and Katie

On the 1st of January Rob and I went over to meet Shelly and Bella, see the Houston temple, I took him to see our old home on Golden Rainbow, and then to Target.  It was nice to spend some time together with only one child, Marlissa, who accompanied us. :)  That was also the last night that Rob was here and I was very sad to think about him leaving.

The 2nd dawned early, 5 AM in fact because Mandy had a high fever and was in a lot of pain.  We caught Rob as he was getting the kids in the car and he was able to help give Mandy a blessing.  Since then Mandy has been in the hospital, Nathan and I went and visited on Sunday evening and then Nathan and I went to Sugarland to take pictures of the Leavitt family last night.  I am still working on those pictures and so I will post some when I am done.

So there - more than anyone needed or wanted to know about my week but it was a great week and I wanted to blog to be sure I remember all that happened.


jturpin said...

I like how engaged is thrown in in middle of paragraph mid way through post. LOL.

We enjoyed meeting Rob and look forward to him and the kids becoming part of the family.

Congratulations again.

Blarney Girl said...

Guess I could have read your blog to get the answer to my email question!! :)

I'm with Jason! It's almost like, "I did this and this and this...oh, and btw, i'm engaged." hehehe

But I know how you are so I didn't find it the least bit odd! LOL

Shasta said...

Very Kathie to just toss in the engagement part. I also remember having a similar conversation with Asia about emotions being in boxes...coincedence I THINK NOT! You are a great photographer especially with children

Shelly Turpin said...

Congratulations Kath! :)

Amy R. said...

Great story, thanks for posting. I am looking forward to talking with you. Hope Mandy gets better soon. She will be in my prayers. Love ya!!

Michelle Kynaston said...

Congratulations! So fun to be starting an entirely new chapter or BOOK in your life. =) We're so happy for you!