Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I was told that I needed to update my blog. So here goes. I finished up transcribing, coding and yesterday meet with my advisor about themes and have most of those ironed out. I can start writing now - just not completely sure what to say and how to say it so that should be easy. My advisor is going to send me an example of what she is looking for - in the past almost 2 years of comps and proposals and such this is the first example I will have seen! I hope that it helps give me an idea of what I need to be writing. Don't get me wrong I do have ideas I just want to do it right hte first time not the 25th. So I am right on with my goals. Now the next big deadline is December 20th - I want to be pretty much there with the writing so that I can turn it over to my committee in Jan.

Last Friday I met up with a friend and we went to the temple and dinner. It was a nice session and enjoyable evening. Didn't take any pictures sorry.

I start teaching tomorrow and I am currently working on lectures/lessons. I hate that I have to lecture the very first day but to get through the book I can't lose the first 3 hours because I just want to give them the syllabus and leave. That is the hard part of night classes because you have to move forward so you don't miss out on all of the time that they would have had if it was a day class.

I have the flu - don't know if it is H1N1 or not but it is yucky and thus making all of the things above harder to do. I don't want to teach at all tomorrow if I still feel like this so I am hoping it goes away very soon. I have been sleeping a lot and that helps some.

I have seen 2 of the 3 syllabi I have this semester for classes and they are going to be more work and reading than I hoped but I guess that is what I get for wanting to learn more. :)

I think that is about it - life is good, I am enjoying my time even if it is busy and I have the flu.


Shelly Turpin said...

You are always so busy! And you acomplish so much! I'm sorry you have the flu - I hope you get better soon!

Michelle Kynaston said...

sorry you're sick. And all that talk of school is making me sick. I can't imagine being back in school. You're brave to keep at it! And to teach it!

I hope you get feeling better