Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Rest of Nauvoo

I wasn't as good after Pioneer Pastimes with taking pictures but we went on a Ox-drawn wagon ride, Denise, Kim and I attended the temple, we ate some yummy food, watched the pageant, slept, got rained on, learned about shoe making, brick making, wagon and blacksmithing, watched a wonderful movie about Joseph and the Saints and then headed home.

It was a wonderful two days and a very needed break for me.  I always love Nauvoo but there was a special peace there this time for me.  I felt the Lord so close so many times, I am so very grateful.  I love that place so much.

Here are some more fun pictures.

P7311369 Hayden trying to escape.

P7311374 Cute Mallory

P7311373 We thought Chandler was going to cry when she had to take the dress off - I will be making them one soon.


P7311404 Ephraim waiting for the wagon.

P7311407 The Elder told Jaron, Simeon and Chandler since they were in the front that they had to watch out for bears and Indians.  Chandlers asked if that happened often and the poor Elder replied every once in a while.  This was Chandlers face following that comment.



P7311415 Pre-pageant I took just a few photos - here is Josiah.


Bowling anyone?