Thursday, March 5, 2009

Good News

Well the more important news is that Arabella is doing better after her surgery. If you want to follow or catch up on her progress follow her blog here. She is doing better and that is great news!

For me - much less important but exciting in my little world is that I am going to have my proposal meeting on March 12th at 1pm. This is the meeting where they decide if I can go forward with my dissertation research (looking at rural low-income moms). If you want to read the proposal and tell me what you think I will send it to you just let me know. I am sure that I will have people just crashing down my email door! :)

Today while at work and trying to avoid reading the boring article I emailed an old boss here in Columbia that I used to teach for last semester. It was my night class that I taught on MU campus and asked if I could teach again. I specifically asked for a Human Development/Lifespan kind of class and guess what? She emailed me back and said she would love to have me teach a Human Lifespan course in the evening! Yeah for me! So hopefully she can get approval and I will teach again in the fall. I miss teaching, I didn't think I would but I do and so it would be nice to keep things going in that part of my life.

In other news, I am meeting with the Deputy Department Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services for MO on March 16th to see if I can do an internship with her. I have one going right now but feel like I am just putting time in not really learning anything so I talked with the internship director and she suggested this. The only real problem is that I don't have 80 hours in a work week, so we will just have to wait and see how it pans out. I have until next May to do my 360 hours and I have done about 12 so far - not so good, but at least a start.


Boe said...

So glad to see she is doing better. I checked out her site and she's a cutie!!