Sunday, February 22, 2009

Nauvoo in February

Yesterday Kim and I got up early and headed to the temple. I was surprised that it had snowed over night and that it was so cold. The weather here has been back and forth with the temperature one day being really beautiful (in the 40s) and the next day in the teens. So, we drove and talked and planned sharing time for March. As we got closer the roads got worse and less traveled and so much more snowy. I was very grateful for the new tires I got in December. We finally got to the temple and found a place to park (the normal parking lot had about 2 or 3 inches of unpaved snow on it and was closed). As we were walking through the very cold wind and snow we talked about how this is the exact time that the saints left Nauvoo for the Salt Lake Valley, but it was much colder then because the Mississippi was frozen over and it was running just fine yesterday. What a sacrifice to leave their warm homes, beautiful temple and travel by foot somewhere - with the knowledge that when they got where ever they were going nothing was waiting them there - no warm fires or homes, no beautiful temple. It made walking into the warmth and beauty of the temple that much more special yesterday. I love that temple and place.
There was a young man taking out his endowment for his mission there yesterday and it was sweet to watch the parents of this young man - the father was very moved several times and in tears. Of course, the young man seems obvious because he was concentrating so hard to understand and be precise, it was a sweet sight and reminded me of almost 13 years ago when I went with Mama and Daddy to the Dallas temple. I am so grateful for that day and the days and years that have followed - that have allowed me to attend any temple in the world, if I just stay worthy.
As we came home the roads were so much better, the weather warmer - just as if Satan knew that he had lost and was going about trying to miss up someone elses day instead.