Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Motivation to finish

I usually don't have trouble feeling motivated to finish things - when I have a deadline that is. My proposal has no deadline and the way it is going back and forth between me and my adviser who know if I can even give myself one. I have worked on it and plan on sending it back to her tomorrow by the end of the work day (it is nice that I can work on things at work) but who knows what she will say when she gets it. I am having a hard time even liking it right this second. I told my boss that if there was a degree to quit it would be this one. The whole process has taken way too long and is so frustrating in nature that I often want to scream and have to settle for complaining about it to anyone that will listen. So, here you are you poor reader listening to me grip. A favor please, if you read this and then talk to me soon (the next few weeks) please ask me how it is going and if I have worked on it. I am hoping enough people asking will put some fire under my bum and I will just do it.

Some good news to go along with my rant. I talked to the woman in charge of research at the local health department and I will be able to do an internship there! Yeah for me! I will get to work on two different projects. I will know more on Monday after I meet with her so I will update you then. I was nervous about calling and put it off for some time, I know very silly, but I am shy still and just force myself to be outgoing. Anyway, the last three years here have introduced me to a variety of people and they all seem to be involved in things at the health department so I have some really big "ins". That is really nice - it helps to know the right people and I am being very very blessed that it will be work that I can start and do slowly, work from home, my office and the health department, it is working with both nutrition and low-income rural moms - how much more perfect can you ask for? I love when a plan comes together (liked it better when I got to watch the A Team perform the plan and not me but still) it is great to see hard work pay off and the Lords hand in my life.


debra said...

This will be too long so I will probably emial you but I drive by a small community off 1774 whenever I go or come from Tomball. It is small with tiny houses and trailers and you always see Hispanic women waiting for their kids by the railroad tracks to pick them up/bring them back. Anyway, if you drive by you always see a family or woman walking down the road to the gas station to buy groceries. I thought about your proposal/plan and thought, yes this is what Kathie is talking about. The women don't have transportation and so they shop in this little bitty gas station/grocery shop. I can see where your plan would go now. Love, Mama