Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sad Saturday

Today I "attended" t
he funeral of President Hinckley. A news report said that 20,000 people attended in the conference center. It was really a beautiful and fitting farewell to a wonderful man. Until today I hadn't cried about losing him - I ultimately feel that keeping him as long as we did was a great blessing. It was really hard to think about never hearing him speak again and not seeing him wave his cane at us from the pulpit. But, in the end I know that the Lord took him in his time table and that President Monson will be an awesome prophet. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have of what comes next and the blessing that is for us. There is no wondering who will win the bid for president or prophet, we already know and that knowledge gives me great comfort.

Today we also remember our dear little Declan. It's hard to believe that it has been a year, it has flown by. I am glad that Asia and Ben have been blessed with Aurora and when I talked to Asia today she sounded really good. I know that it was
a hard week but I am amazed at how well she seems to be healing and dealing with things.

Today was a grim, yucky day here which added to the feeling of sadness, but then I looked out and there was a ray of sunshine poking through the gray clouds and illuminating the sky. I love how that happens and it always reminds me of the Lord's promises and love. I am grateful for his love and constant help in my life.