Friday, June 13, 2008

I Had A Meeting!!!!

Well with a lot of persistence and begging I had my meeting that I wanted so badly. It seemed to go very well and as I walked out with Linda she was very positive about it. My committee thinks my idea is great and that it will be able to contribute great things to both academia and practice! Yea! I am so excited! Now all I have to do is work my behind off and get the thing done. I have another meeting on the 7th of July and then another the week after the reunion. I was hoping the be ABD (all but dissertation) and thus a PhD candidate by the reunion but I will settle for right after as well. It was a good day.

Today I also got to visit teach a sister that has not allowed us to come, meet her someone or talk on the phone with her for over 6 months! So today Heather and I took her out to lunch and had a nice time - it was nice to see everyones prayers paying off and her coming back to church!

Tonight I am going with Amy to see "Birds" at the movie in the park. It should be a lot of fun. Last time I saw it was in Provo on Halloween. Donna, Suzan and I went to a party in a warehouse that one of the party throwers worked at and watched it on this huge screen! It was really fun and scary. I think that it probably won't be as scary this time.

Last night Kim, Amy and I went to the Twilight Festival(it is from 6-8 at night). Last summer Beth and I tried and never got there. It is in "downtown" Columbia and it was really fun - lots of bands playing, street vendors and a tour of the redone Missouri Theater (Beth would be impressed by it now). Last summer Beth and I helped out our bishops son, Jake, with his Eagle project that was pulling out all 1800 seats, sorting the ones that would be auctioned off and then throwing them out. We worked for a couple hours and it was exhausting work, but it was fun too. Now the theater has been redone and is very beautiful.

I got my first shot today so that I can go to India for Shreya's wedding. I have to get Hep A & B, Thpyoid, Polio, Tetanus and a Malaria medicine right before I leave. I told Shreya I must really like her to go through all of that just for a wedding trip! Honestly I can't wait to go and be there and see India. I am excited that it will be with Shreya and her family and will feel safe. I just wish that it was sooner.


jturpin said...

Wahoo! I am so excited about ypur meeting! And they were excited about your proposal - wonderful news!!!!
Sounds like you are so busy!

Michelle Kynaston said...

wow, crazy - i can't believe you are going to India. The furthest I've gone is Monterey Mexico. Hah! You are sure the world traveler. I should get my passport and start traveling with you!! Love you and miss you - Cherilyn