Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fall, School and Question

Well school is off to a roaring start - I have taught three times and attended class two weeks (MACC starts a week earlier than MU).  Things are feeling much more doable of course I haven't gotten anything to grade or any huge project due right this second so we will see but I am optimistic that things will turn out well.  And as my BYU bishop used to say "This too will pass even if you don't" - nice sense of humor and great support! :)

Fall here is beginning - the days are getting cooler and I have seen a tree or two changing its colors.  It is apple picking time, applesauce making time, canning time, etc.  I love this time of year and all that it brings.  Which leads me to my decorating for the season - really I guess for September because in October I will add in Halloween stuff and November Thanksgiving will take its place.  My goal this year is to dwindle down the decorations I have since I will be moving.  Sadly, decorations take up closet space because I have no storage or garage - something I will be looking for in my next abode.  Regardless I have too many and so I will be giving some away after each season - it won't be too hard because my tastes have changed over time so that will help.

Here are some pictures of what I have done for September.  






As some of you know I gave away my TV in December and have gone without since - honestly there are only a few times I have missed it.  In Dec. my friends helped me move my armoire to my craft room for material - I love it there - so much more room and I can see almost all of my material.  So here is the question - does anyone know how I can add another shelf to this (see picture below) so that I can see all of my material.  Consider this - I am not a carpenter nor do I have any carpenter tools so it would have to be something simple or something I could ask a friend to help me with.  If anyone has any suggestions please let me.



Donna Leavitt said...

If you measure the board you need, Home Depot will cut a board for you. I think 2 cuts are free and then $0.25 each after that.

If you don't want to stain it, use contact paper , Mod Podge craft paper or fabric over the front raw edge.

Also, see how the other shelf is attached and try to copy that. But, you can have Home Depot cut thin support pieces from the same wood that you just screw into the sides of the armoire. Just plop the board on top, and YIPEE!!!

Donna Leavitt said...

Or there may be a tool-free method, as suggested by Brad...You can measure the length of board you would need for the shelf, then measure the height you want. If the height you want is 10 inches, and the length of the shelf is 24 inches, then you could buy 4 feet of board and have them cut 3 pieces from it. 2 ten inch pieces and one 24 inch piece. If you prop the 10 inch pieces on either side of the inside of the armoire, you can rest the 24 inch shelf on top of those.

Obviously that will only be secure if the area between the 2 side pieces is absolutely stuffed full. Another option is some kind of glue holding the side pieces on. Preferably something like rubber cement that wouldn't be permanent because you may not always want that shelf there.

If this doesn't make sense, it's Brad's fault!

Shelly Turpin said...

I like Brad's idea.

I was thinking of something that you would put into a cabinets to store sweaters or towels on.