Sunday, September 27, 2009

Counting my many blessings

I would feel very ungrateful if I didn't recognize the great many blessings I have in my life and since I didn't take the time to bare my testimony in church today, this is just as good a spot. In my last post I talked about losing my job - well shortly after I sorted things out and I know have a couple forms of income - may not be as much or the way I had planned (I know I should never plan)but I will make it just fine.  I am very very grateful for that.  I have begun to see the good things that will come from this change in much stronger light than last week and again I am grateful for those people who helped me see that, even if you didn't realize it.
Some of the things I am grateful for:
My testimony of a loving and caring Heavenly Father that loves me and shows me in the small and simple things of my life. 
A Savior who died for me and for you.
Repentance and Forgiveness
Prayer and the amazing ability to communicate with our maker, the peace, comfort, joy, answers and power that it brings
The scriptures that speak to me
A living Prophet, knowing that there is a prophet of the restoration
Peace, Comfort, Joy
The Holy Ghost
The power of fasting - I have been taught this over and over
A job/jobs
Incredible friends that remind me constantly of how to live my life through their examples of goodness, faith, forgiveness and love
A awesome family who support me even when I am not supporting myself enough
The ability to think through problems (not claiming I am smart, just grateful for that ability to see problems from many different angles)
Teaching and how much I learn because of it
Great Music

                                                    Waterfall in Hot Srpings, SD

The beauty of this world                                           Talents
Sweet babies that remind me of the innocence and sweetness that the Lord would have us show/be
My calling


CYNDI said...

I am grateful for you Kathie. I love you. And I am grateful for cookies. :)