Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lessons Learned While Gardening

Yesterday I flew home for my nephew, David, baptism today. This morning we did a bunch of yard work. So as most know there is a lot of be learned in the process of growing plants and caring for a yard. So here are some of the things we learned.

Mandy pointed out that grass have really deep roots and are hard to pull up but weeds pull out really easy. So we talked about how if we create deep roots in our lives with the gospel (read the scriptures, pray, go to church) then we too will have deep roots and a solid foundation.

Nathan was bringing the wheel barrow over to help haul away some trimmings and hit a rut, the path he had chosen was one of the lowest in the yard and he couldn't get the wheel barrow up and over without help. As my mom walked over she said "If you had stayed on higher ground this probably wouldn't have happened." How right she is! As we chose the higher ground we are more able to create those deep roots we all need.

When I was wedding I kept coming across weds that were growing among the rocks placed as the barrier of the flower bed. These weds are the nasty, spiky kind that hurt your hand as you pull them out. And just as the Savior taught they were incredibly easy to pull from the rocks. Where you chose to grow makes all the difference!

Finally, I think that process of planting a simple seed and watching it grow into a great plant that gives me yummy vegetables is its own kind of miracle. I think that is one of the many ways that the Lord allows us to participate in the work of creation and teaches us patience and care.