Sunday, June 28, 2009


Well, I have been waiting on some pictures that Kim and I took last weekend in St. Louis, but Kim has been in DC at a training and is now in Florida with her family. Hopefully I will get them someday but for now I will just jabber a bit.

I have been busy but generally nothing hugely exciting happening. I am working hard at work and so by the end of June we will have done 24 interviews for HURT. The original goal was 10, we hiked it to 20 for summer so we are even beyond that - wahoo for us!

Both my internships are going well. I am working on getting all those hours in - thank goodness for an awesome boss!

I am taking a summer class and always forget how much work they are. I will be technically still in it while I am home for vacation so I am trying to do all of the assignments ahead of time so that I don't have to do them while I am home. That is proving to be harder than I wanted it to be since it is only a 8 week class and times flies even when you are not having fun. So, wish me luck.

My dissertation - well if there is anything that is getting the back burner it is this. I tell myself everyday that I need to transcribe and sometimes it works most of the time I think of about a million other things I need to or could do. Like vacuum the rug or wash my hair - I really hate transcribing right now. I have given myself till the middle of August to be done transcribing and coding and start to write - deadlines are good for me.

Last weekend Kim and I went to St. Louis and went to the temple, to the downtown gardens and then to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir perform. It was amazing. I have been waiting on the pictures of outside the temple and the gardens - they were beautiful. I was a little worried about hearing the MOTAB sing in person because often I have no idea what the words they are saying but this time it was amazing - the orchestra was also with them and they were awesome. They performed folk songs, songs from different countries (there was one from Africa that was amazing), hymns, our national songs, etc. It was so cool - the choir had not been to St. Louis in 58 years! That is a long time. At the end Retired Attorney General John Ashcroft conducted a song and so that was cool. He is from MO and was a governor in the 80s - I didn't know that part. So the experience was wonderful. It was Kim's last weekend in MO so it was nice to go and spend it with her.

I started my new calling about a month ago and nursery is going well. I do miss the friendship of the two primary presidencies I was in the last 2.5 years and the new (as of last week) secretary has called me about 10 times or so about questions, worries, etc. She will do a great job! I miss it but I am glad to be with the little kids in nursery and getting to know Becca better - we are becoming a good team and that is really nice.


CYNDI said...

I didn't know you had a new calling! I think the nursery will love having you in it! We got a 100 new families or at least women in our ward and so now our nursery went from about 7 or 8 to 28! Crazy, huh! We reorganized our stake when a new stake was created a little south of us. It was a neat experience, Elder Anderson and a new GA spoke to us. Miss you.